How could your learning design support multiple means of engagement?

-Presented by Yiwei Wu



To improve Valerie’s engagement, we decided to apply the student-led strategy and student-centred pedagogy in our open learning environment design. 

Applying a student-led strategy means that Instructors will have less control over students, and students are likely to be more active and engaged. Cooperative learning and problem-based learning are examples of student-led strategy; students will In our open learning design, students can interact with other students and instructors and therefore become more motivated and concentrated in the learning process.

We would also use participant pedagogies that empower Valerie in the open learning environment. Participant pedagogies in an open learning environment allows Valerie to discuss with her teams and comment on other blogs; it also grants her the space in designing her blog more creatively and originally. Participant pedagogy can lead to a higher level of engagement, and therefore shapes an active and reflective learning experience for Valerie.